


  • Synchronization of time is needed to coordinate events at a global level

Physical Clocks

  • Basis is a mechanical or astronomical process
  • have their limits with accuracy
  • Problematic usage: Leap seconds, time zones, leap years, etc.

Example: SBB Clock

  • Uhr selbst misst keine Zeit
  • Jede Minute wird die Zeit synchronisiert

One-sided Update

  • Problem: Network Latency creates an offset on the client
  • Estimation of latency is difficult, we don't have enough data


  • Tries to measure the network latency using the round-trip time
  • Server sends back original request (Cs)
  • Compute RTT with (Cr - Cs) - (Ss - Sr), client knows all of these
  • Client can either update its time immediately or adjust the speed to gradually adjust to the correct time
    • NTP adjusts gradually. Immediate update would lead to a "jump", mayble a scheduled task is in the gap and wouldn't be executed. (Time must be continous)

Logical Clocks

  • Causal Order (Partial Order): Events are causally ordered, but can have no relation (unlike physical time)
  • Total Order: Every event can be ordered (physical time, vector clocks)

Database Replication Example

  • Problem: Lost updates
  • Solution: Nodes must acknowledge updates, only perform update if it is acknowledged by all nodes
  • Problem: Order of updates is not guaranteed
  • Solution: Chronological Ordering with timestamps
  • Problem: Time has to be synchronized between the nodes
  • Solution: NTP
  • Problem: Physical time has an arbitrary precision, updates could still have the same timestamp


  • It's often more important that processes agree on an order of events (causality) rather than an exact point in time (physical clock)
  • Physical clocks have a limited, arbitrary resolution (accuracy)


  • Event a happens before b -
  • Can be reflexive (think DAG) -
  • Concurrent Relation:
    • and are not causally related
  • Not enough for Database replication: We still need an (arbitrary) order for concurrent events, a strict total ordering -> Lamport's Logical Clock

Lamport's Logical Clock

  • Each process maintains an internal counter for all events occuring in its process
  • The current value of the counter is sent with each message
  • The receiver updates its counter to the max of the sender and receiver-counter (respectively) and increments it
  • Not totally ordered: There are identical counters on different processes, we can't define a "linked-list" order
    • If we use the process id, we can order these concurrent events -> total order
    • Use lexicographical ordering over (eventid, processid)
  • Lamport's Clock implementation is usually embedded in the middleware and provided by a library
  • see also Lamport's paper: http://lamport.azurewebsites.net/pubs/time-clocks.pdf
  • Problem: Not fault tolerant, a failure of a node would halt the distributed system

Vector Clocks

  • Track causality exactly:
  • Lamports clock only works in one direction, Vector clocks in both
  • Each process maintains an internal Vector with the length = number of processes
  • The dimensions correspond to the processes, first = P1, second = P2, etc.
  • Update vector: When receiving a message, set each index to the max of the sender and receiver
  • comparison: each index is equal or less than the other, and at least one is less than the other
  • Problem: What if number of nodes in system changes? Vector dimension is the size of the network