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Numerical Computation

  • Most of this is handled by frameworks

Overflow and Underflow

  • Underflow: So small that they're basically 0
    • when x is zero:
  • softmax takes a vector, the sum will be 1, and every number will be positive -> probability distribution
  • sigmoid is softmax with 2 dimensions, where
  • if the numbers in the vector are very large or very small (negative), there's an underflow / overflow problem
    • solution: subtract the max of the vector from every entry, and use the softmax on that
  • often, we optimize for the log of probabilities ->
    • useful, because log and exp cancel each other out
    • called "logsoftmax"

Poor Conditioning

  • Problem: Small change in input produces very large change in output

Gradient-Based Optimization

  • : the argument x that produces the minimum of
    • Called the "minimizer"
    • f(arg min f(x)) = min
  • Idea: if the slope is negative, walk forwards, if it's positive, walk backwards: "gradient descent"
  • Gives us a minimum
  • Gradient = derivative in multiple dimensions
  • If the gradient is 0, we're either at a minimum, a maximum or a saddle point
    • saddle points are common in higher dimensions
  • the goal is finding a global minimum, but we don't know if we've found it with gradient descent, except if the function is "convex", e.g. a quadratic function with one minimum
  • There's a derivative for every dimension
  • The gradient is a vector with all the partial derivatives for every dimension

Gradient descent for vectors

  • Gradient is vector that points to the steepest slope
  • We want to go in the reverse opposite of that vector to find the minimum
  • analogy: Go down a mountain by taking the steepest step each time, you'd find the valley
  • minimizing: cos should be -1 -> 180°
    • The opposite direction of (the steepest direction)

Jacobian and Hessian Matrices

  • is now mapping from n-dimensional to m-dimensional vector
    • e.g. common between two layers in a neural network
  • The Jacobian matrix captures the derivate of every input entry w.r.t. to every output entry, so it's a n by m matrix
    • derivates say how the change of one value affects the other
  • Derivatives of derivatives can be in different directions, so there are a lot of combinations
  • Second derivative = curvature
    • The curvature of a plane is 0
    • This makes gradient descent "easy", just follow the derivative
  • All the combinations of curvature are captured in the Hessian matrix
  • The optimal could be calculated with the Hessian matrix, but that's too hard to calculate (and store), so not practical
  • We can determine if we're at a minimum, maximum with the second derivative
    • If the derivate is 0, it could be a saddle point, but the test is inconclusive
    • The same concept works in higher dimensions with eigenvalues
    • If not all eigenvalues are either positive or negative, we're at a saddle point
    • Almost a chance of 1
  • The condition number tells us how much the space is "warped"
    • if the condition number is high, gradient descent is harder (slower)