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Deep Feedforward Network


  • In supervised learning, we know the desired output for a given input
  • represents the parameters of the network, a.k.a the weights and biases
  • the middle layers are "hidden layers", because we don't know what good values for them are

XOR Example

  • Answer with linear regression is always ½, since it has the LSE

Gradient-Based Learning

  • Initialize weights with small random values
    • Otherwise the output is just 0
    • And to break symmetry between neuros, otherwise they would do similar / same things
  • Sigmoid used to be popular, but now ReLU is mostly used (max(0, z))
  • Good Architecture is not well-defined
    • How many units, layers, etc.?
    • approach: Use someone else's architecture that already works
    • There are rarely completely new problems

Back Propagation

  • Basically calculates the gradient of the cost functions with respect to the weights and biases
  • The gradient is calculated analytically, not computationally

Chain Rule

  • FF-Network is like a nested function (with each layer)
  • backprop is a dynamic algorithm that calculates the chain rule efficiently
  • Jacobian-matrix is diagonal if the function is element-wise
    • ReLU and sigmoid are